![[NestJS 에러] node @nestjs/schematics:module --name=auth --no-dry-run --no-skip-import --language="ts" --source-root="src" --spec --no-flat](https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R750x0/?scode=mtistory2&fname=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.kakaocdn.net%2Fdn%2F8xHaF%2FbtrWwKmIdj3%2FZ4d7aKoVauQpYpXzoznj71%2Fimg.png)
[NestJS 에러] node @nestjs/schematics:module --name=auth --no-dry-run --no-skip-import --language="ts" --source-root="src" --spec --no-flatNode.js2023. 1. 17. 17:52
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$ nest g mo auth
Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'properties')
Failed to execute command: node @nestjs/schematics:module --name=auth --no-dry-run --no-skip-import --language="ts" --source-root="src" --spec --no-flat
에러 해결 방법은 2가지가 있는듯하다.
@nestjs/schematics 재설치
yarn global add @nestjs/schematics
npm i -g @nestjs/schematics
다만 이 방법으로 해결되지 않았고, 다른 방법을 찾았다.
typscript 재설치
yarn global add typescript
npm install -g typescript
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@임채성 :: 푸르고 개발 블로그
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